Saturday, April 19, 2008

Starting Over With Chemo, A Year Later

Yesterday we met with Dr. Neglia (Drew's cancer doctor) to discuss our plan of attack for Drew's next eye exam in May. We initially were under the impression that the conversation would focus on taking Drew to Philly or Atlanta for radiation plaque therapy but it didn't. Dr. Neglia discussed Drew's situation with doctors from Children's Hospitals in Houston & Los Angeles and they all agreed that Drew should repeat chemo. Here is the justification for going down the chemo path;
  • There is not enough long term statistical data on radiation plaque treatment. So far the statistics are good but they only go back about 15 years.
  • Chemo does not destroy vision, radiation does (radiation could even make him blind).
  • The types of chemo drugs that will be given to Drew (because of the lower doses) do not increase his risk for 2ndary tumors later in life, radiation would by about 40%
  • We have been down the chemo route so we know it works and what to expect, we don't with radiation.

While Heidi and I don't want to put Drew through chemo again, it is the right decision. His disease is well under control and this is the best option to preserve his long term vision and quality of life. Yes he'll loose his hair, he'll loose weight and he'll spend some long days in the hospital but it's a small price to pay in the long run. This has been a long road for us but as someone once said, "even the longest sausage has it's end."

Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers, it means the world to us!


Anonymous said...

Our hearts go out to you. We hope that these next rounds of chemo go by fast. You're a strong boy! We hope that this will soon be done and over.

Joe, Rochelle, Josh and Luke

Anonymous said...

Much love to you all on this journey.You know that you are not alone as you have such a support in the many people Drew has touched with his bravery.

Sharon and Cliff Knippel

Anonymous said...

Giuliani Family,
Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you! Stay strong and know you are not alone throughout Drew's treatments.
Ken, Celeste, Nicholas & Lisa