Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Great News From Memphis

We got wonderful news from Memphis the last three days:

1) MRI scan came back good. Cancer has not traveled outside the eye.

2) Vision check went well. No change in vision, which is to be expected. We are going to start patching the right eye, to strengthen the left eye. We hope to get some strong exterior vision. The opthomologist wants us to get a pair of rec specs for t-ball this summer, so the eyes are fully protected. Also she indicated he should never play hockey and strongly recommends no football. Apparently kids with RB have a high chance of getting a retina detachment if hit hard later in life. No need to take this risk. We will stick to no contact sports.

3) Now for the best news - TUMORS ARE REGRESSING. The green laser is working and at this point we can avoid radiation. This is fabulous news. He lasered again and we will come back in three weeks. Tony and I will rotate, so someone is home with Jack. He will come every three weeks, until he has 2-3 eye exams with no growth and no treatment.

Thank you again for everyone's prayers. They are working!!!


Joni said...

Awesome news! Thanks for the update.

Marj Groseth said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited. Go Team Drew and Go Team St. Jude!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome news!!!!!

Jessica Sloan