Monday, February 8, 2010

Back to St. Jude's This Week

Tony and I talked with our oncologist last Wednesday, and he confirmed the next step for Drew is a radiation plaque. We will leave on Thursday for St. Jude's, and the plaque will be placed on Friday. This will be done as follows:

A small amount of radioactive material will be temporarily placed on the outside of the part of the eyeball where the tumor is. The radioactive material is put in a small carrier (known as a plaque), which is shaped like a very small bottle cap. The plaque is made of gold or lead to shield nearby tissues from the radiation. The radiation travels a very short distance, so most of it will be focused only on the tumor. The plaque is sewn in place on the eyeball with tiny stitches during a short operation. It is then removed during a second operation on the following Tuesday. Both procedures are done while Drew is under general anesthesia. Drew will stay in the hospital while the plaque is on.

Long term concerns include vision loss from cataract or retinal swelling resulting in retina detachment.

I think this will be the hardest procedure we have ever been through. Drew will have to rely on his vision in his left eye the entire 5 days. He has minimal vision, and using it as this level will be exhausting. The treatment may give him headaches, nausea, fatigue. It will be difficult to keep him entertained without vision. I did some shopping and was amazed at how many toys require vision. Something you don't realize is so precious until it is taken away. We hope the days go fast, and this journey will come to an end soon. We would like to look at this as a bend in the road, taking us in a new direction. The doctors are confident they can get the cancer with this treatment. Say a prayer that we can save the vision in the process.

If I could request one more thing - Please keep Jack in your thoughts and prayers. This is extremely difficult on him. He has already been in tears several times over us leaving him. How do you explain to him, that Drew's issues need to be put before his feelings right now. It is not fair to him. We have planned lots of fun things for him while we are gone, and I have bought him lots of presents. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, he still wants his Mom and Dad. I don't blame him. If I could scoop him up and make it easier for him I would. It is hard to watch his little heart break, and not be able to do anything about it.

On a lighter note, I told Drew what was going to happen. His response, "Well I am going to take that cancer, punch it in the nose, and knock it right out of my eye. And you will buy me lots of stuffed animal while I am there, Mommy, because I have to have a patch sewed to my eye." That kid always looks for the advantage and upside in things:)


Unknown said...

Go Drew!! What a strong boy!! Thinking of you guys. Drew will do great with the plaque, I have heard of many kids doing much better than the parents expected with their good eye patched. Get ready to put another chapter behind you, and prayers for little Jack.


Mom and Dad said...

We will take good care of your brother, We Love you.
Heidi and Tony please keep in touch. We love you and will be thinking of you this next week.
I have been saying a few prayers to St. lucy.
Love Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

I know that you guys know this but if anyone can punch it out, it is Drew. You guys have one tough kid on your hands. Please take care of yourselves as well there.

We look forward to you guys coming back home. Mikey can only go a short time without his partner in crime.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys.
Chris, Chris, Will, Maddie and Mikey.

Joe, Rochelle, Josh and Luke said...

We hope that Drew is punching that cancer right out of his eye today. I'm sure the next few days are not going to be easy, but we are saying our prayers that the vision can be saved. We truly hope that this is the last hiccup in his treatments.